By Bill Wilson
Candelaria is well underway in San Miguel de Allende.
The start of our annual plant and flower show is a barometer that tells us Spring is on its way. The religious feast of Candelaria marks among other things the presenting of Jesus before the Temple by Joseph and Mary. This is also referred to Candlemas. And Candlemas is also linked in some cultures to Ground Hog Day. The Pennsylvania Germans (often called Pennsylvania Dutch)brought this custom from Germany where on Candlemas (February 2) if a badger saw his shadow there would be four more weeks of winter. In Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney Phil has become something of a celebrity and an erstwhile weather forecaster. As we here in San Miguel await our early Spring—and often it seems we have Spring-like weather most of the year—we can look back at our weather in review for 2024.
Weather or Whether
For the record: July was our wettest month, December the coldest and July the warmest. Average high temperature was 94°F and average low was 47°F. Total annual rain fall ranged between 20-30 inches. June has the hottest temperature of 104°F and coldest 36°F in December. In the afternoon our winds usually come up often gusting to 15-20 mph. Highest average humidity is in morning just before sunrise and lowest in the afternoon To note: some stations around San Miguel de Allende may show different values. This is often affected by elevations, station location and other factors. We observe two stations daily—one in LaLejona II and the other on the road to Los Rodriguez. Over the past year, we have looked at the variations and they differ often 3-7 degrees. Both stations can be access online for streaming data on WeatherUnderground or Ambient Weather. Both services offer mobile apps and fees may apply.
A San Miguel Grand Deception
The wheels of Justice often turn slowly and the path to Justice is often circuitous and full of deceptions. Take the case of San Miguel de Allende “psychologist” Jacob Spade AKA fugitive Glenn Bales. Late December reports indicated that Guanajuato State Police and Mexican Immigration authorities had arrested Spade. In December, we spoke to the Watch Commander at LA County Jail and got a confirmation that a Glenn Bales was in custody. Bales was featured on America’s Most Wanted show. He was using the Spade identity to hide out in Mexico, authorities say, and spent time in Lake Chapala and San Miguel working with expats in his practice. It’s a cautionary tale that the expat communities should not forget. On Jan 6, Bales/Spade was transferred from Los Angeles to Phoenix to finally await trial.
Tip of the Hat
Kudos go to our own Amy Rothlin, advertising director for Insiders News, for receiving a special award for her hard work at her agency.
A small bravo to the restaurants in San Miguel for offering game nights—like Rummikub—and special events.
A raspberry to the state and local and federal highway departments of the condition of many of our roads. Sight lines in some intersections obscured by plants. Some roads are like washboards and others the signage and road striping not readable. Safety first.
Fun Facts
Dinosaurs: The comet that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs hit the Yucatan Peninsula, creating the Chicxulub Crater.
Chichén Itzá: The ancient Mayan city of Chichén Itzá is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.
Cuexcomate Volcano, located outside of Puebla, is the world's smallest volcano.
Chapultepec Forest in Mexico City is the largest urban park in Latin America.
Tenochtitlán, the original name of Mexico City, was built in the 14th century on an island in a lake.
You Don’t Say (Dichos)
Escoge una persona que te mire como si quizás fueras magia.
- Frida Kahlo
Literal translation: Choose a person who looks at you as if you were magic.
This is a romantic Mexican quote from revolutionary artist Frida Kahlo. When you watch a magic trick, your face expresses admiration and surprise, and you can’t believe your eyes. This is the feeling Frida wishes for you, to be with a person that looks at you with such delight.
Hasta el próximo mes!