By Dr. Jim Starr
There are plenty of reasons why we should count our blessings. Family, friends, abundance, faith, and of course, our health. But sometimes when it comes to our health, we live on the "Isle of Someday." "Someday I´ll start to do exercise"…"Someday I´ll change my diet and my habits"- This is a great time of year to reflect on your own dedication and discipline regarding your health. According to Dorland´s medical dictionary, the definition of “Health” is as follows "… A state of optimum function and balance of Physical, Mental, and Spiritual well-being, and not merely the absence of symptoms or disease".
We also have a great opportunity to match and surpass our goals for 2025. The following suggestions only apply if your health is considered high on your value/priority list.
PHYSICAL: Have you generally practiced exercising at least 3-4 times per week? There are many forms of exercise that can clearly influence your state of health and here are some of the general recommendations:
Stretching: A flexible body creates a flexible mind. As we age, our muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints, all tend you “tighten and stiffen”.
Cardiovascular: Walking, swimming, jogging, treadmill, elliptical, bicycling, and others. The key to cardio care is consistency. 20-30 minutes minimum.
Resistence: Weight training, functional training, Pilates, and even Yoga are considered essential in order to maintain muscle strength and avoid degeneration/wasting.
Balance: As we age, our coordination and balance are challenged. Tennis, Raquetball, Yoga, Tai Chi, and others will help maintain balance and coordination.
Sports/Hobbies: The importance of having FUN while staying active should be considered. The pleasure factor of simply enjoying the activities has many untold benefits.
Nutrition: The famous statement “You are what you eat” is not entirely true. The more accurate statement is “You are what you ATE”! Exactly where you are nutritionally is a result of your past habits. By changing your eating habits today you will help determine where you will be in the future. If you consider the benefits of nutritional supplementation, invest in high quality products as the key to nutrition is absorption. Don´t focus on “Weight Loss” because if you want to lose it, you may easily find it again. Focus on “Weight reduction”.
Mental: Do you meditate? There are so many different styles and programs to learn and practice meditation. Many people use the excuse of “I don´t have the time”. If you can´t find 20 minutes a day to meditate, you probably need to meditate for an hour because your life balance is out of control. Meditation is free… not to meditate is costly. There are many neuro-physiological benefits to daily meditation.
Reading and Learning Something New: Just as an apple, when it is green, it is growing… when it is red and ripe, it is rotting. Reading and learning will maintain the mind sharp and clear.
Spiritual: Whatever you choose to recognize as the existence of a Higher Power, the spiritual aspect of every person carries enormous benefits. Faith, Hope, a Deeper Connection, to this Power influences your health in untold ways. In this vast Universe, it may be easy to recognize that we are not even the “flea on the tail of the dog” and sometimes our EGO will give us the impression that we are wagging the dog. Gratitude and humility are two of the healthiest characteristics of the human being.
In conclusion, we can have a new and refreshing attitude toward your health and well-being. “2025” in numerology equals “9”. Nine is the number of “New Beginnings” just as a new born completes the birth cycle in nine months.
Count your blessings each day that you live in a time of unprecedented gifts. Start the year with “New Beginnings” and never forget…“If it is to be…it is up to me”.
Dr. Jim Starr is a 40 + year practicing chiropractor here in San Miguel. He lives with his wife Grisel and is extremely grateful to be a contributing author to this wonderful and necessary newspaper. He may be contacted at 415 151 0983 WhatsApp.