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Weather or Whether: Rainy Season Part II

By Bill Wilson, Deputy Editor

“Everyone complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it.”

--Charles Dudley Warner

In rainy seasons (17.20-20.79 inches) this often quoted dicho rings true. Rains too much we complain and doesn’t rain we ponder all sorts of things.

Warner, known for making the saying “Politics makes strange bedfellows” and “Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” was misquoted by Mark Twain in his humorous lectures. July was one of our wettest months. Last July we had just 10.59 inches. In my weather reports I cull data from several sources like Mexican Weather Service, National Hurricane Center, various weather satellites and other weather apps.

Best local data comes from WeatherUnderground and Ambient Weather Net. They allow citizens stream their station data to the internet. In SMA has at least six reliable station. There is a new station out by Jalpa operated by Dr. Rod of Dusty Puppies. I use his and one in Centro to compare. Many popular weather apps use data from airports.

In future columns, I’ll discussion the technical aspects of my stations and the various instruments.

Short Shorts


Award Presented

On August 9, 2024 in México City, Sonia Diaz of San Miguel received the “Forjadores de México” award (Forger of México) for her work as a consultant/facilitator with foreigners to obtain residency in México. It represents excellence. Congrats, Sonia!

Publisher Speaks

Recently, this past July, Publisher Camie Fenton made a presentation on our newspaper to the Mid Day Rotary Club at the Bibliotheca Publica. Camie was a member of the San Miguel Mid Day Rotary Club when it began and was a Rotarian in Seattle, her home town.

Tip of the Hat

Kudos to the valiant Uber Eats delivery persons (and other delivery folks) often on motorcycles navigating the flooded streets during our rains.

Don't forget to tip the many baggers -often older folks- who work at our local food stores.

Always a tip of the hat to the taxi drivers who return lost items left in cabs and help folks with their parcels.

A raspberry to San Miguel de Allende drivers who insist on driving irresponsibly during a rain storm and those drivers who ignore cross walks, don’t respect “uno y uno”, lean on the horn, sail through red lights and make left turns from the right lane at the main glorieta.


Fun Fact

Over 60 indigenous languages are spoken in México. Only India has more native languages.

Word Salad

¡Chale! Is one of the most used words in México, especially in the country’s central part. Mexicans use “chale” to express discontent, disappointment, and annoyance.  A possible translation in English is: “you’re kidding,” but it is not very literal.


-Le robaron su billetera

-¡Chale! Qué mal

You Don’t Say - Dichos

En boca cerrada, no entran moscas.

No flies enter a closed mouth.


Elsmarie Norby, founder of Ojala Ninos passed away peacefully in August. A pianist, activist, photographer and author, born in Chicago in 1940 to Swedish immigrants, she attended St. Olaf College and earned a master's in chamber music from the Juilliard School. She relocated to California in 1968. Her life experiences laid the groundwork for her later work in México. Arriving in 1997, she spent a decade developing music programs that blossomed into "The Singing Children of San Miguel de Allende." Subsequently, she moved to the Indigenous community of San Miguel Viejo, where she continued her dedication to serving the community, especially its children, founding Ojalá Niños in 2010. 

Hasta el proximo mes!

Bill Wilson has lived in San Miguel for 16 years and has been a journalist for more than 50 years covering everyting as an editor and reporter from the United Nations to Cub Scout news. He’s also know as “The Weather Dude” and a ham radio operator.

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