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A Hospice Center for San Miguel de Allende: the opening of Mitigare Lee Carter Center

By Natalie Taylor

It is something to celebrate when an idea, a figment of imagination—turns into reality. It is even more so when the realization of such an idea means convincing many individuals, particularly bureaucrats, that this is worthy of support. Even more commendable it is when it happens in our own backyard:  San Miguel de Allende!

On October 28th, donors and supporters were offered the first look at the Hospice Care Mitigare Lee Carter Center—the first such center in San Miguel, the first in Mexico, and the first successful collaboration between a group of expats, local Sanmiguelenses, and the city government to create a place that will serve the entire community. It is the fulfillment of an 18 year old dream of Lee Carter, its founder. The hospice center is a most important medical facility for end-of-life care in a compassionate, dignified, and painless manner. When all other medical treatments are exhausted, and all that is left are the final stages of life, it is essential for the patient to receive palliative care as needed, to know that death can come in a gentle manner, without pain, surrounded by people who care. The medical team of Hospice Care Mitigare is comprised of social workers, grief counselors, and care givers who deal with all aspects and issues of end of life—whether it be financial advice, funeral arrangements, wills, etc.

Ideally the patient has a place to stay, a home in which all this can be addressed, where they may finish their lives as most people prefer—in a familiar setting, and with people they love. However, when dying at home is not possible Hospice Care Mitigare offers a place to live out the final days in comfort.  The large patient suites include all the amenities of a private hospital room, including a lovely patio accessed through a glass door, and a view of the garden beyond. The rooms are spacious enough for a family to gather. White clouds float on a sky-blue colored high wall, and within is a plaque for a name to be inserted. It can be that of a donor, a loved one or family member to be memorialized, or the name of someone who brings light to those they touch every day. Perhaps this is the best way to think of the Lee Carter Center—a place intended to bring light to those who pass through it.

Contact them at 52 415 111 76 37 or at

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